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How customers manage their own account information

On PayWhirl customers can manage their account information and subscriptions from your online customer portal.

Brandon Swift avatar
Written by Brandon Swift
Updated over a week ago

One of the main benefits of PayWhirl is allowing your customers to manage their subscriptions and account information from your customer portal.

Every PayWhirl account comes with an online portal that customers can use to take action on their accounts without contacting the business. 

You can view your customer portal from the Main Menu in PayWhirl 


  1. View upcoming payment dates.

  2. Manage existing subscriptions (add/remove and edit existing subscriptions).

  3. Manage payment info (add/remove/change payment methods on file).

  4. Manage addresses and personal information.

  5. Change answers to profile questions.

  6. Review invoice and payment history.

  7. Browse widgets to re-purchase (if "enabled" in widget settings).

  8. Review cart & checkout with existing information (much faster).

  9. Purchase gifts and/or manage additional profiles or sub-accounts.

NOTE: You can disable customers ability to remove subscriptions and payment methods in the Advanced Settings

Customers can access their portal using a few different methods in PayWhirl depending on your preference:

  1. After purchase, your customers will be logged into your customer portal automatically, OR if you'd like, you can forward customers to a custom thank you page after checkout.

  2. Customer emails also contain a link to the cloud-hosted (online) version of your customer portal at

  3. Customers can also return to any widget and click the "I already have an account" link when checking out to log in to the customer portal. 

  4. Finally, (the recommended way) you can also EMBED a customer portal login widget into a page in your website if you'd like to provide access directly from your website. 

Go to Widgets & Forms > Manage Widgets. Click the green New Widget button and select the Customer Login from the list.

Some businesses might want to disable their customer's ability to register from the hosted portal login page (enabled by default on the portal settings page in your account). Otherwise, customers could find your hosted portal and create an account and/or add subscription(s) without flowing through a payment widget. 

To disable portal registrations, go to Widgets & Forms > Portal Settings and change your Portal Registration setting to "Disabled".

During checkout, all customer accounts are created after the FIRST STEP OF REGISTRATION, BEFORE PURCHASE (also when the "Welcome Email" is triggered). This is why you might see some customers in your account who don't have payment information or active subscriptions (abandoners). 

We designed the checkout flow to work this way, sort of like a built-in abandoned cart system. You can market to these "lost" customers to help increase sales by adding them to a list using one of our integrations like MailChimp.

The upcoming invoice calendar in the customer portal displays all paid invoices and the NEXT pending invoice only for each of your customer's subscription(s). 

The "Subscriptions" menu item will show the customer a list of all of their active subscription(s) and show the current billing period dates. By default, your customers will also have the ability to cancel their subscription(s). However, you can disable the customer's ability to remove their payment method and cancel subscriptions in the Advanced Settings if you need it.

By clicking on "Edit", Customers have the ability to view the past and pending invoices tied to that subscription.  They can also change their main subscription plan to any plan that is set to 'enabled'.

If a customer views an upcoming invoice that is unpaid, they can make changes to it before it's processed. They can change their payment method and shipping address, and it will only affect that specific subscription plan.

By default, your customers also have the option to add promo codes or pay the invoice early. This is how customers can redeem referral discounts on their existing subscriptions or pay off installment plans early. If you don't want the customer have these options, you can disable this in the My Account > Advanced Settings.

If you offer custom subscriptions, your customers are able to change the upsells that are attached easily. While viewing the invoice, customers can remove line items by clicking the 'trash can'.  

They also have a drop-down menu to add on items. Don't worry; they can only add on the specific items you have in the upsell widget (the same one the customer initially used to purchase the subscription). 

Any changes they make to the invoice will also carry forward to future subscriptions. This makes it very easy for customers to manage even 'complex' subscriptions. 

NOTE: Editing upsells on unpaid invoices can be toggled on/off from the advanced settings page under "My Account" in PayWhirl. It's disabled by default, so you'll want to enable this if you sell customizable subscriptions.

The "Payment Methods" menu item allows customers to add additional payment methods and remove or change their default method of payment.

The "My Profile" menu item allows customers to add additional addresses and/or make changes to their existing address. This is also where customers can edit the answers to their custom profile questions. If you are not shipping out a physical product and/or have addresses turned off in your main account settings, you might want to change the name "addresses" something else using PayWhirl's Translation override page in your account.

The "Billing History" menu item shows all your customer's past payments and the NEXT upcoming invoice (unpaid) for each of your customer's subscriptions. Customers can click "View" to see more details about each invoice.

The "Cart" menu item shows all of the subscription plans and upsells that the customer has selected and added to their cart for purchase. It will NOT show items that customers have added to a native cart that might be built into your platform (Shopify, BigCommerce, Lightspeed, Etc.) While we can create orders and customers in these systems, we can't integrate with their native cart functionality, so customers must checkout via PayWhirl widgets/forms to store payment information. Learn More

The "Browse" menu item allows your customers to shop while they are logged into the customer portal and purchase an additional subscription(s) using saved payment/profile information. As an admin, you can control what plan(s) customers will have access to in the portal by enabling or disabling them in the plan settings. 

Note: Customers can browse any widgets that you have configured to "enabled in customer portal" in the widget settings.

As an admin, you also can view and manage a customer accounts. You can even "act as a customer" to see the customer portal EXACTLY as they would when they log in.

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Please let us know if you have any questions. 

The PayWhirl Team 

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