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How to create custom profile questions

PayWhirl's profile questions feature allows you to ask your customers different question(s) based on the plan(s) they select to purchase.

Ryan P. avatar
Written by Ryan P.
Updated over 4 years ago

You can gather additional information from your customers by asking them to answer "profile questions" on checkout. If customers select plan(s) that have profile question(s) assigned (via the plan settings), the customer will be asked the related profile question before they can complete checkout. 

Customers can also manage their profile(s) from the customer portal if they log in to their account. Additionally, customers can have multiple profiles (similar to how Amazon works) where each subscription can be assigned to a different profile/address/etc. when they checkout. 

 There are many different types of profile questions you can ask on checkout: 

  • Checkbox - Let your customers choose one checkbox toggle 

  • Checkbox Group - Let your customers choose from predefined options with checkboxes.

  • Date Field - Ask your customers for a date using a calendar.

  • Header - Output header text before form fields.

  • Paragraph - Output static text to your customers. Can be used to describe a group of fields or some other information.

  • Number - Let your customers input integers.

  • Radio Group - Let your customers choose one option from predefined options with radio buttons.

  • Select Dropdown - Let your customers choose one option from predefined options with a dropdown.

  • Text Input - Let your customers input text.

  • Text Area - Let your customer's input verbose text values (spanning multiple paragraphs).

To create profile questions go to Main Menu > Customers > Profile Questions. To create a question, simply drag and drop the type of question you want to use from the right column, over to the main questions section on the left. Profile questions will be customizable after they been created.

Profile questions are also associated with Payment Plans in your account so you can control which questions will be asked for each plan you create. Let's say you sell both tea and coffee subscriptions. You can attach questions about coffee to the coffee plans and questions about tea to the tea plans.

To attach the question(s) go to Main Menu > Plans > Manage Plans. Next, select Edit on the plan you'd like to use and scroll down to the bottom. Select the question(s) you'd like to ask customers when they purchase the plan. 

You can also create and/or manage existing profile questions from within the plan settings page of a specific plan.

Profile questions can be asked either on the first checkout or every time a customer purchases a plan. Most of the time you will probably want to use "Ask only the first checkout" so subsequent checkouts are faster, but in some cases, you may want questions asked each time.

For example, if you are asking customers to agree to terms and conditions you may want customers to agree to the terms every time they go through the checkout process. To accomplish this, select the 'Ask on every checkout' in your plan settings and the customer will be asked the profile question every time they purchase the plan, even if they have already provided an answer.

NOTE: If a plan profile question is set to "Ask on every checkout", once a customer has completed their purchase the profile question will NOT be editable in their profile. Customers will be able to view their answers and edit other questions set for 'Ask on first checkout.'

As an admin, you can view and manage the answers for your customers. Click 'customer portal' to login to their account and click on their profile. 

Your customer profile questions and answers will also be available in a few other places in your account. You can include profile questions & answers in your email templates, for example, and/or export them under the Data Exports main menu option in your PayWhirl account.

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Please let us know if you have any questions. 

The PayWhirl Team

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