If you would like to build a "custom" cart for customers, without them having to make any selections in a widget, and bypass the first step of the checkout process you can use javascript to add item(s) to customer carts.
This is an advanced feature and will likely require a developer to implement. In general, the process works like this:
The developer would need to add an iframe with our customer portal to their product page. It may be hidden with CSS but the content must be loaded.
Add a tracking script integration, to inject custom JavaScript into our portal.
As documented on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/postMessage, set up an interface between their product page and our portal, to send the
request from the portal end, and notify the product page when it's done
A basic example adding a PLAN to the cart:
'type' : "plan",
'plan_id': 12345,
'qty' : 1
}, function(data){
//Redirect to Cart
//<iframe src="[PAYWHIRL-SUBDOMAIN]/cart?gateway=[id]"><iframe>
A basic example adding a PRODUCT, SERVICE or FEE to the cart:
'type' : "product",
'description': "My cool product",
'amount' : 5.00,
'qty' : 1
}, function(data){
//Redirect to Cart
//<iframe src="[PAYWHIRL-SUBDOMAIN]/cart?gateway=[id]"><iframe>
Available Keys:
plan_id - Plan ID
qty - Quantity
amount - Price of item (optional when adding plans to the cart by id)
description - Name of item
type - Product, Service or Fees
sku - SKU of item
After you've added items to the cart with javascript or jQuery you will need to redirect the customers to a page on your website with an embedded cart using an iFrame or create a method (button, etc) so customers can access the cart/checkout when they are ready.
NOTE: You can also add items to the cart automatically without coding if you use PRICING TABLE widget(s) with a single item inside and enable the "bypass plan selection screen" setting under chained widget settings in the widget.
Related Articles:
Please let us know if you have any questions.
The PayWhirl Team