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All CollectionsMulti-Platform Subscription App (Not for Shopify)FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Can I continue using the one time checkout cart already in my existing platform?
Can I continue using the one time checkout cart already in my existing platform?

If you already have products in BigCommerce, Shopify, or other platforms you can continue using the existing cart checkout.

Larry Brager avatar
Written by Larry Brager
Updated over a month ago

Yes! When you setup or install our app PayWhirl we don't automatically disable your existing cart (if one exists) or disable anything on your website. 

If you already have existing "one-time" products setup on your website with checkout flowing through the platform cart you can still integrate with PayWhirl to offer customers subscription / recurring options.


Most businesses add PayWhirl's recurring payment widgets directly to their product pages in the description (content section) and leave their existing one-time checkout option as is (one-time payments processes through the platform's checkout).

If your website's product page description is positioned just under the platform "Add To Cart" buttons you can a widget BUY BUTTON embed code, so it blends right in:

Plans are presented in a popup after customers click buy buttons:

OR... If your product page description is positioned lower on your website (away from the add to cart buttons) you can use a traditional widget embed code: 

Plans are embedded directly in the page with a normal widget embed code:


Other businesses will create website pages (not product pages) and style the pages to look like product pages using images, information and embedded widgets from PayWhirl. You can also include one-time purchase options using this method if you create a plan with a single installment.

There are a few advantages to using traditional pages (not product pages) to offer subscription options. 

  1. You have more control over the design of the page. 

  2. More space for widget layouts (full width).

  3. Profile information and customer cards are automatically saved on PayWhirl checkouts for the business and the customer. 

  4. Offer "one-time" purchases along with subscription options in a single interface.

Note: When you are finished testing and ready to start accepting live payments, make sure you have a live gateway connected to all widget(s).

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Please let us know if you have any questions.

Team PayWhirl

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