Over the last year and a half we've been listening to everyone's feature requests and have made major improvements to the new system. PayWhirl version 2 incorporates many of the features that our customers have asked for and is a much more powerful payments platform.
Some of the new features include (more below):
Shipping & tax calculation
New widgets & payment forms
Ability to chain widgets together
Customers can purchase more then one plan at a time
Quantity selectors allow customers to purchase more then one of the same plan
New customer portal / website (https://company-name.paywhirl.com)
Include widget(s) in your customer portal (improved shopping experience)
New invoice functionality (automatically / manually generated)
Digital downloads (attach digital files to plans)
Full email template customization
New reports & improved analytics (utm link support)
And much more!
One of the top requests was the ability to charge shipping and taxes. In the new system we've added this ability and you know can control shipping and tax rates based on your customer's location. You can define different rates for different countries, states and/or regions.
Another MAJOR request was the ability for customers to be able to checkout with more then one subscription or product at a time. The new system has been completely redesigned to incorporate a cart for your customers. This means that as customers flow through your widget(s) the items they select are added to a cart and they can checkout with a single purchase.
There are also new widget types available:
In addition to the new widgets, you can now string widgets together to build custom payment flows. For example you can start with a basic pricing table widget and then forward to additional widgets before checkout using the "Forward To Widget" setting when setting up your widget.
This allows you chain widgets together and customers can add multiple subscriptions, upsells (recurring and/or one-time) or products to their carts before checking out. For example, if you start with a normal subscription widget (pricing table) and then forward to an upsells widget the customer can add additional recurring items and they will all be grouped on ONE INVOICE that will recur based on the main subscription in the cart. This means you can do a true "build-a-box" type subscription if you want where the customer selects their main subscription and all the addons.
NOTE: The LAST widget in a chain of several should be set to "Forward to cart."
Another big addition to the new system is invoices! You will find an entirely new menu item that will let you see/manage customer invoices. When subscriptions run, invoices will be generated automatically by the system and you will now have the ability to add extra items to a customers next invoice. You can also generate invoices manually on the new system and did I mention customers can pay with ACH at MUCH lower processing rates if you want? (You enable ACH in your gateway settings)
This just covers a few of the many new features on version 2. Please let us know if you have any specific questions about the differences between v1 & v2.
Full PayWhirl v2 NEW Feature List:
PayPal Integration
Braintree Integration
Authorize.Net Integration
Shipping Rules by Location
Tax Rules by Location
ACH Payment Support
Build-A-Plan lets customers chose individual items that will be grouped together onto on invoice on a recurring basis
Chained Widgets (create unique payment and upsell funnels)
Chained Payment Plans (link plans with a set number of installments together)
Customer Shopping Cart
Custom one-time fees
Custom Invoicing
Recurring invoice add-ons
Pause a subscription
Run multiple processors under one account
Monthly Recurring Revenue Report
Growth Forecast Report
Churn Report
Lifetime Value Report
Customer Reports
More data exports
Shopify products without hidden products attached
Combine subscriptions and one-time charges into a single cart
Hosted customer portal with custom subdomain
Customers can log in to pay an invoice
Outbound email template control with html twig support
Create multiple outbound email templates for each event
Edit plan and subscription details at any time for existing subscribers (plan price changes reflect on the customer's next invoice)
New and improved customer portal with browse menu so customers can shop more easily.
Complete language translation for widgets, portals and payment forms
Sell digital downloads on a one-time or recurring basis
Change digital download file attached to a plan at any time
Place shopify orders at beginning, end, or after every installment payment.
Allow customers to make installment payments early without altering billing schedule
Allow customers to pay off entire installment plan early
Payment calendar on dashboard that totals upcoming invoices and shows their statuses
Data table search on every view for easy searching, sorting and exporting to .csv file
All exports can be downloaded as CSV, XLS, or XLSX format
New API with card storage and charge functionality
Completely white label PayWhirl using the API
API is unified so works against all processors with the same code
Connect with MailChimp, QuickBooks, Constant Contact, SalesForce and hundreds of other apps via Zapier
PHP Developer SDK for developers working with the PayWhirl API
Multiple API Keys per account
Suspend/Revoke API Keys at will
Appoint account managers
New and improved webhooks system
Supports more countries and currencies
Mark invoices as paid without making a charge or disrupting schedule
Accept payments by cash or check (invoice notes support)
Switch out the plan on an active subscription
Copy notification emails to multiple people
Log in as your customer to see what they do
Subscriber information on Google Maps
Track customer acquisition (full UTM link support for marketing)
Monitor revenue, churn, LTV, etc. by acquisition channel
Generate promo codes (API now supports promo codes as well)
Send subscribers payment reminder emails before payment is due
PayWhirl Test Payment Gateway - Lets you test before going live so you only have to setup widgets, emails, etc once.
Send Emails from your own SMTP server (from your own domain)
Custom CSS on customer portal along with helpful color pickers.
Cart selections stored in session (so the customer can browse your site, add multiple items to their cart, and checkout once)
Reschedule payments for customers and change invoice dates.
Create custom scheduled automatic invoices (schedule one-time payments)
New and improved billing anchor system lets you choose all 31 days for billing anchors.
Invoice scheduling features for payments
Team PayWhirl